« Let’s Talk » of December 12th at Chantal ’s home.

Very happy about this friendly meeting, after a rainy and cold day.

The subject of our discussions: “This is England”

We didn’t see all the short films, but we shared a lot of them.

Everybody evokes the films to which she or he has been sensitive. To summarize, we appreciated the social themes chosen and treated by the young people who made these films.

Moments of crisis are well treated and well controlled but “This is the winter” has been variously appreciated.

The role of animals with poor and abandoned children is interesting, sensitive, and touching. “City of children” and “Muzzle”

We very much liked the animated films. Inventive and rhythmic films which require a lot of work.

We also liked feature films, we enjoyed the humor in “The trip” and “The Italian job”. “Retour à Howards End” made us also think of “Downton Abbey”. A privileged society, living in exceptional, rich and typical palaces and manors. Not everyone saw “Le Troisième Homme”.

The animation of the festival was also very good and the shared moments were  nice.

The very pleasant moment of tea with a delicious chocolate cake arrived, a tea crowned in the proper sense. ( look at the photos. The king is shooting)

Jacques et Françoise

Christmas Carols

– Les samedis 14 et 21 décembre, entre 14h30 et 16h30, des Christmas Carols seront chantés autour de la marmite de l’Armée du Salut, du côté du Gros Horloge et du bas de la rue des Carmes.
– Le dimanche 22 décembre à 17h au Temple Saint Eloi, l’office de Noël traditionnel anglais, avec Carols, minces pies et vin chaud.

Si vous voulez vous entraîner:

Christophe Pinguet

Rappels RNC activités

C’est jeudi 12 décembre à partir de 16h30 que se tiendra, chez Chantal, le prochain atelier de conversation anglaise « Let’sTalk ».
Voir, à ce propos, sur le site du RNC : www.rouen-norwich-club.com, l’article rédigé à la suite de la précédente réunion.
Et pour s’inscrire, c’est toujours par internet sur l’adresse suivante : chantalferon@orange.fr.

Je vous rappelle également que l’atelier de pâtisserie en anglais « Bake’n Chat » se déroulera le mercredi 18 décembre à 15h à la Maison Saint Sever.Pour s’inscrire, c’est, comme d’habitude, par mail auprès de Jacqueline : ja.allanic@wanadoo.fr avant le 15 décembre.

Bien cordialement.Francine.

Let’s talk

Hello everybody,

On Thursday the 14th of November 2019, we met at Chantal’s for our monthly Let’s talk meeting. She always welcomes us in a very friendly way and we spend a nice time there exchanging in English, having tea and homemade cake. There were seven of us: Chantal, Françoise, Gisèle, Monique, Myriam, Philippe, Yvette.

We mostly talked about cinema since the topic of the day was the film Downton Abbey by Michael Engler. The characters are the same as in the successful series we saw previously on television. The movie takes place in 1927 when the Earl and Countess of Grantham, their family and staff who live in the castle are informed that King George V and Queen Mary will visit Downton Abbey in a tour through the country. What a fuss!!! All the actors and actresses are excellent and the dialogues are filled with a delicious British sense of humour.

Françoise told us that the film she liked most this year was Chambre 212 by Christophe Honoré with Chiara Mastroianni and Vincent Lacoste, a comedy dealing with the slow decline of a couple.  

Chantal and Yvette were impressed by the film Sorry we missed you by Ken Loach, a social and family drama showing the dehumanization of workers in our society. They said it was an “excellent Ken Loach” but warned us that it was particularly tough.

Philippe was enthusiastic about a British film of the 1980s entitled Little Lord Fountleroy by Jacky Gold, starring Jacky Schroder and Alec Guinness, explaining to us that the atmosphere in both films was more or less alike, a family heritage being at stake.

Next time in December we will be discussing the festival This is England, knowing that the spirit of Christmas will already be in our minds.

Best regards,


This is England !