Our home made scones



I came with my grandmother. We arrived in the kitchen and we introduced ourselves. 

Jacqueline introduced what we were going to prepare : scones, a traditional English speciality. She read the recipe and we put the ingredients on the table. 

We did several groups of 2 or 3 people. I was with Arthur, I dsicovered I knew him, we are in the same school. 

We put together all the ingredients and we cooked a lot of small circles. We put them in the oven and we waited. 

While the scones baked, we prepared the table for tea…

When the scones were cooked, we ate them with  strawberry jam and cream !

It was delicious.

When I came back home I could not wait to cook  some again for my family  😉

I can’t wait to come back again


Louise est élève de seconde européenne au Lycée Camille Saint Saens. Merci à elle pour cet article en anglais

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